Beginners Photography Workshop-Surrey Photography Workshops

New Surrey Beginners Photography Workshop date released!

Camberley, Surrey – Saturday 17th November 2018- £65


Over the past 10yrs I have taught this Beginners Photography Workshop to well over 300 beginners how to understand their cameras better, how to get them using manual setting and to stop replying on the auto settings.

It’s something I have always enjoyed and actually feel like I learn something too as watching people develop a passion for photography and seeing the excitement when they realise they are actually in control of their camera is such a joy.

How does it all work?

This workshop is a 4hr crash course in the basics of photography aimed to get you using your camera on manual. We start off getting an undertaking pf the creative aspect of photography and the learn to create those creative effects with the camera we have simply by understanding how a camera works and the settings needed. We have lovely refreshment break (there might be croissants here somewhere!)  and then we get more hands on with the cameras. I prefer a relaxed teaching environment, designed to make everyone feel comfortable and enjoy the experience.

Who comes on the workshop?

Over the years I have taught people of all ages, backgrounds and experience. The youngest student was 12, she came with her Mum and was fantastic! I also have many retired students who are keen to get a handle on their camera in preparation for their world travels.

What if I am a complete beginner?

Then this is the right workshop for you. I start at the very beginning and teach in a very visual and hands-on manner. I was self taught as an adult in my late 20’s so can fully relate to the fear of learning a new skill, especially something that has a technical element.

How technical is the workshop?

I teach in a way that makes sense to me, clear and visual explanations of all the main elements of your camera then a hands-on display and then you get to try it out on your camera with my assistance. We go at your pace and I stop to help each person individually which is why each class number is limited to 8 people.

What if I have a little bit of camera knowledge?

If you have already taken a beginners practical workshop then perhaps look for an intermediate level. However if you have been trying to learn via the manual then this workshop will help you to put it all into practice with some assistance from me. If you pick it up quickly I can individually tailor your experience so you can move your ability forward by the end of the class.

How do I book?

Email me here or contact me via the contact page. I only take 8 students per workshop so spaces are limited. I also offer these as gift cards for Christmas and Birthday pressie ideas!

See you at the Beginners Photography Workshop soon!

Chantal x